Riding Toys

5 products

Practice balance and get mobile with our wooden ride-on toys.

Want to keep your little one busy while improving their balance and coordination? Our wooden balance boards and wooden riding toys are just the thing! Good for indoor or outdoor play, your child can practice their gross motor skills and seek a little independence as they balance and zip around on their own. They’re perfect to use at home, or throw one into the car to bring to your next outdoor BBQ or camping adventure.

For the toddlers at home, our riding toys from Plan Toys have been sturdily built to support their weight, giving them the freedom to ride and roll all on their own. And for your preschoolers and older kids (and even the adults!), try out a wooden labyrinth balance board from Challenge & Fun. These fun wooden boards encourage brain development and strengthen balance and coordination as you maneuver the wooden ball through the labyrinth’s maze.

For the advanced riders, our scooters and balance bikes from Banwood offer the highest quality, best design, and practical options for those working their way up to the "big kid bike."