Since 2005, we’ve been delivering the best in natural toys.

Hazelnut Kids is your online source for the most trusted brands of heirloom-quality non-toxic, wooden, and organic toys for babies, toddlers, and young children. They’re sure to fuel the imagination and bring hours of open-ended play.
We’re located in beautiful Traverse City, Michigan, and can be reached:
by phone: 231.642.6760
by email:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your return policy?
You’re welcome to return new, unopened items within 21 days of purchase for an exchange or full refund of purchase price. For the return of a gift you’ve received, you’ll be given a Hazelnut Kids credit for the amount of the purchase price.
How long will it take to receive my item(s)?
We guarantee that our in-stock items will be shipped within two business days. All in-stock orders ship from our Traverse City, Michigan (49684) location and standard delivery times range from 3-6 business days, depending on delivery location.
Some of our larger items are drop shipped directly from the manufacturer so that they can get to you as soon as possible. Please allow a similar delivery timeline for these items.
How do I use a Hazelnut Kids Natural Toys gift card?
Lucky you! You can redeem your gift card by entering the gift card number into the applicable field (and hitting 'Apply') at Checkout.
Do you offer gift wrapping?
We sure do! You may opt to include gift wrapping for your order for a flat rate of $5.99. Due to the size of some items, not everything is eligible for gift wrapping.
Do you offer special orders for classrooms or other bulk purchase orders?
We love working with teachers, daycares, or other individuals looking to buy larger quantities of natural toys, natural art supplies, or other items. Please contact us directly at to arrange for these purchase orders.